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Online Math tutoring for non-resident students


Sign up for our math tutoring classes where you can get answers to any math related queries you may have. You will be paired with a tutor with whom you will have one on one, online sessions. Our tutors have aced GMAT, specifically the Quant section themselves and have strong STEM backgrounds such as Engineering, making them well qualified to help you answer your questions. 


If you're interested in finding out more, drop us an email below and we'll get back to you with the details:



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Applying to B-schools in India?


Your application should reflect not only your best potential, but also show deep consideration of why an MBA in India and from that school is great for you. We can help make sure that your application is insightful viz your candidature and the Indian context. Drop us an email below to find out more. 


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T: +91 (0)11 26021935

M: +91 9810119007


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